Brand Resonance – How Brand Apple has it

Brand Resonance – How Brand Apple has it

Apple customers relate to the brand very intimately. Repeat purchases are very common. They feel a very strong attachment towards the brand because it portrays a very different image. It helps make them feel that they are flowing with the changing trends because they own an Apple product. Many Apple consumers sometimes consider their Apple product their favourite possession or say that they love the brand because they get very attached to it. Apple has portrayed itself to be a brand that the customer can have a happy and lifelong relation with. The Apple experience has created deeper attitudinal attachment in the minds of the customer.

Apple has also conveyed a sense of community through the Apple experience. Take for example the Apple local users groups as explained in the previous session. It has created a feeling of oneness among different customers and hence brought them close making theexperience even better. Apple through some measures like these have engaged their customers and have actually made the process of investing time, energy , money or other resources enjoyable.

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